
Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland uses Piwik cookies and scripts. We use the Piwik statistics program to analyse which pages are visited most often, how visitors have arrived on our website, and which keywords are used in our search engine.

Just like all other websites, we collect the IP addresses of our visitors for this purpose. These are kept in so-called log files. The log files are kept on the web server for 5 days to ensure they are available to Piwik. The log files are subsequently kept for 90 days, but only for security reasons. They are also accessed exclusively for this reason.

The Dutch Data Protection Authority has taken measures to mitigate the traceability of visitors to our website to the greatest extent possible. We do this by immediately deleting the last 2 octets (series of numbers) of each IP address after importing the log files into Piwik. This is done in a temporary memory, before the IP addresses are stored in Piwik.

We collect the following data using the log files:

  • cookies;
  • IP address;
  • user agents (browses, operating system);
  • keywords used to access our website through external search engines;
  • keywords used in the search engine of the website itself;
  • links used on the website;
  • links used to visit our website.

Piwik retrieves these data from the log files of the web server. These log files will be kept in the Piwik database for 31 days. They will be removed afterwards. Only an aggregated (merged) log file will remain. This provides us with an annual report on the website visits.

We do not share personal data with third parties, unless this is necessary to report criminal offences.