What can I bring?

If you travel, you will usually be carrying a number of personal belongings, such as clothing, toiletries, or a photo camera. You will be using these goods during your visit to Caribbean Netherlands. You will bring these goods with you when you leave. In this case, you will have imported these goods into Caribbean Netherlands temporarily, exclusively for your personal use. You will not need to pay ABB in this case. This exemption does not apply to excise goods like cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, for which you must observe the quantities listed in the traveller exemption table.

Please note! Customs can demand security if there is a suspicion that you may want to sell or give away the goods on the island where you do not reside. This means that you must pay the amount in ABB (Algemene Bestedingsbelasting) that would be due in case of regular import. You can be refunded the amount if you leave the island with the goods.