
140 documents

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  1. Regeling tot vaststelling van de Uitvoeringsregeling Belastingwet BES

    Deze regeling geeft uitvoering aan de artikelen 5.7, 6.1, 6.3, 6.7l, 6.10, 6.11, eerste en tweede lid, 6.12, 6.15, 6.20, 6.21, ...

    Publication | 13-04-2022

  2. Verzuimschema aangifte algemene bestedingsbelasting en loonheffing

    This document is not available in English (yet). Therefore, the Dutch document is offered.

    Publication | 13-04-2022

  3. Wet Inkomstenbelasting BES

    This document is not available in English (yet). Therefore, the Dutch document is offered.

    Publication | 13-04-2022

  4. Wet Loonbelasting BES

    This document is not available in English (yet). Therefore, the Dutch document is offered.

    Publication | 13-04-2022

  5. Verzamelloonstaat BES gegevensset

    This document is not available in English (yet). Therefore, the Dutch document is offered.

    Form | 13-04-2022

  6. Verzamelloonstaat BES Toelichting gegevens Belastingdienst BES

    This document is not available in English (yet). Therefore, the Dutch document is offered.

    Form | 13-04-2022

  7. Voorstel mogelijke loonadministratie gegevens export

    This document is not available in English (yet). Therefore, the Dutch document is offered.

    Form | 13-04-2022

  8. User Manual Online Collective Wage Sheet 2015

    Guideline | 13-04-2022

  9. Grondprijzen Statia

    Brochure | 13-04-2022

  10. Grondprijzen Saba

    Brochure | 13-04-2022