Opbrengstbelasting (Revenue tax rate)
Effective from January 1st, 2025 the ‘opbrengstbelasting’ rate is 7,5% of the revenue. If the entity which owes the revenue bears the taxes, the revenue will be multiplied by 100/92,5 when calculating the taxes.
A calculation example:
A public limited company provides USD 50,000 in dividend to the shareholder
- The taxes amount = USD 3,750. This is 7,5% of USD 50,000.
- The shareholder receives USD 46,250
- The taxes amount = USD 4.054. This is 7,5% of 100/92,5 X USD 50,000.
- The shareholder receives USD 50,000
Note! Until December 31, 2024, the ‘opbrengstbelasting’ rate was 5%. In the calculation examples above, the rate of 7.5% applicable as of January 1, 2025, has been used. For filings up to the fourth quarter of 2024, you should still apply the old opbrengstbelasting rate.