Import clearance declaration

The clearing of a ship and the goods it transports takes place by submitting a completed import clearance declaration.

Limited import clearance declaration

Instead of a complete import clearance declaration, the import clearance of goods transported over sea can also take place by submitting a limited import clearance declaration, including the associated freight lists or goods manifests and the corresponding bills of lading. In this case, the import clearance declaration will refer to these documents.

The import clearance of goods transported by air will take place by submitting:

  • a general aviation declaration with the cargo manifest, or
  • only the cargo manifest.

Do I need to submit other documents besides the import clearance declaration?

Yes, a provision list. A provision list must only be submitted for import clearance purposes for provisions, ship needs, lubricants, and fuels that remain on board ships or aircraft during the period in which these vessels stay on one of the BES islands.

Who must submit the import clearance declaration?

The import clearance declaration and associated documents must be submitted by the person who brought the ship and the goods to the island in question. This is the captain of the ship or the pilot of the aircraft. They are generally represented by a shipping or aviation agent during the import clearance process.

When and where must be import declaration have been submitted?

The import clearance declaration must be submitted within six hours of the arrival of the ship/aircraft.

The declaration must be submitted to the customs offices where the pre-arrival took place. The submission period will change if these customs offices are closed during certain hours. In this case, consult Article 2.8(6) of the BES CEDA Implementing Scheme.

Can the import clearance declaration be submitted electronically?

Yes, this is possible using the Asycuda World customs application. This method of submission can take place in your own offices. This avoids the need to travel to the customs offices and to wait at the front desk. Electronic submission is also the most practical approach for Douane Caribisch Nederland. This is why we strongly recommend using Asycuda World.